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Here at “Spirit Writing Unity”…
Spirit Writing has no discrimination with any people of this planet; it embraces all, loves all and supports all! Anybody can have a spirit writing so we welcome one and all to Spirit Writing Unity!
We offer you a chance to receive channelled writing directly from spirit / higher mind /guides without interpretation. What gets written down is not altered or changed in any way.
What is channelled is what will be given to the receiver.
When we ask Spirit if they wanted to join us in this service their reply was: ‘of course, and it will be done with love, help and guidance.’
We have found the writing to be so loving and

Receive your answers!
supportive with such amazing responses from other clients, that for us this has been such a beautiful humbling way to help spirit connect with people..and for people to find a direction to go with their received writing from spirit.
Each question is asked and the reply is written down.
We can either email it or send it out to you in the post.
We also offer the writings to be framed so you can keep it on the wall as a reminder to remember your guidance you have received.
All we need is the question and your full name.
The writing is normally channelled within 5 days and then sent out.
Thanks for reading,
Many blessings of light.
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