Fri,18 Aug 2017
A numerology review and personal development forecast about what has been going on globally and personally for you in August, and over the next few weeks. Get inspiration and coaching tips on how to n...Read More
Fri,16 Jun 2017
We can all feel dis-empowered at times, and when in this place, there are some things that we can do to feel more confident and capable again. In this video I will show you my formula, (at the end), f...Read More
Fri,16 Jun 2017
Welcome to your number 7 month. In the numerology world, this means that it's time to take stock, pause somewhat, before life makes us, and be, more than do. It's an inward journey, of planning, under...Read More
Sat,01 Apr 2017
Designing your life the way you want it, takes effort and responsibility, and yet sometimes, life still throws you a curve ball. So how can you develop tools to grow, and evolve as a person, beyond th...Read More
Tue,05 Apr 2016
This month is all about getting down to business and revisiting or contemplating on the area of our stability and security. When I think about this time of the year, I feel a heat rising and I can vis...Read More
Mon,07 Mar 2016
There is always a bigger picture to everything and this includes numerology. Often in the initial introductions of numerological analysis, we spend a lot of time doing our formulations, getting into d...Read More
Tue,09 Feb 2016
Look out for two important days coming up in February. There are times, in Numerology, where we can encounter 11.11 days and we have two arriving this month, lucky us! An 11.11 day is a double master ...Read More
Wed,03 Feb 2016
Numerology wise, the upcoming energies for February, ask us to be helpful and willing to assist the people around us. February is a number two month, which is all about our unions, so relationships wi...Read More
Tue,02 Feb 2016
Fully trained Psychotherapist, offering unique psychological coaching courses, life coaching sessions and dynamic personality profiling using Numerology. All services are focused on self-development a...Read More
Tue,02 Feb 2016
Have you got your head in the clouds? Or are you disconnected from the soul of life? Walking with our feet firmly on the ground, partaking in everyday life, whilst embracing our connection to our deep...Read More
Fri,11 Nov 2011
Information from Hanna Ehlers MA / LigthworkersUnite about the "so called end of Mayan Calendar", has it ended? Are we still in the quickening? Discussing recent shifts at end of 2011, lead up to 11/1...Read More
Wed,12 Oct 2011
A video from Lightworkers Unite. Hanna Ehlers MA is a spiritual teacher and psychotherapist, in this video she shares her positive vision for the highly impactual energy day of 11.11.11 This day will ...Read More
Mon,01 Aug 2011
New Earth Children are not ill, they are a different blueprint coming in to mix with our old blueprints. They are assisting the Earth with an evolution of change among human beings and are not underst...Read More
Sat,30 Jul 2011
There are currently two collective reality and more and more people are finding themselves breaking out of the old paradigm and looking for something else which at first they don't know exists, but it...Read More
Tue,10 May 2011
In this interview Spiritual Teacher Hanna Ehlers discusses her decision to leave her home and take her teachings and workshops on the road. She discusses the Great Shift and the New Earth which is for...Read More
Wed,13 Apr 2011
Hanna Ehlers MA Spiritual Teacher offers information about this important time period we entered at the end of 2010 and continuing beyond 2012. Presenting her guidance about the stages of this shift a...Read More
Tue,12 Apr 2011
Long distance love is not necessarily a topic you would initially think of in relation to spirituality, however in my recent lessons I realised this is not true. When looking more closely at the subje...Read More
Tue,05 Apr 2011
Hanna Ehlers MA Spiritual Teacher discusses doubt and faith which is a important juncture which many individuals will be facing on their ascension path at this time. You do not need to be part of an o...Read More
Tue,05 Apr 2011
Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Kids - The New Earth Children of the Future
The subject of our children is at the very heart of the earth changes and Spiritual Teacher Hanna Ehlers promotes the importa...Read More
Tue,05 Apr 2011
Ascension Your Developing World View / How You Perceive Reality
I feel we can all see the changes and transformations so hugely in our lives right now, we are literally whizzing into the new earth...Read More
Sun,27 Mar 2011
Hanna Ehlers MA, Spiritual Teacher of Lightworkers Unite offer this quick top ten inspirational tips for ascension. We are re-training and this can take time, we need reminders about how to be in the ...Read More
Tue,15 Mar 2011
You have been holding and waiting for me to find myself, for me to realise I am lost and to reunite with my Self, with which I lost touch long ago. If I ever new myself, that place beyond words, beyon...Read More
Wed,09 Mar 2011
In the latest installment from Ascension Diaries 2011, Spiritual Teacher and Psychotherapist, Hanna Ehlers MA shares her insight on what many people may be feeling now, during their intense rollercoa...Read More
Wed,02 Mar 2011
In this installment of the Ascension Diaries 2011, Hanna Ehlers MA offers insights about experiences and effects one may encounter as they raise their consciousness to live from the fourth dimensional...Read More
Mon,21 Feb 2011
This installment of the video Ascension Diaries 2011, Hanna discusses how it may feel as we live in the moment and how recent shifts in the collective reality may have effected you on a personal level...Read More
Fri,11 Feb 2011
Our Soul is calling, the greater energy of oneness and love is knocking on all of our doors, in the dark hours and the light hours, in the cold and in the warm, for the poor and the rich, the known an...Read More
Fri,28 Jan 2011
Hanna Ehlers MA, Psychotherapist and Spiritual Teacher offers the second installment of the Ascension Diaries 2011 in which she discusses the trends and experiences for people encountering the soul me...Read More
Tue,11 Jan 2011
I like many have felt the impending changes which begin on the turn of the Winter Solstice. Seeing Lunar and solar eclipses, meteor showers and today, the 11/1/11, our physical reality is slipping awa...Read More
Wed,29 Sep 2010
We are entering the end of 2010 and as this year comes to a close and we enter the misty realms of hibernation and the depth of the approaching winter solstice, we are likely moving through the natura...Read More
Sun,19 Sep 2010
Hanna Ehlers Spiritual and Metaphsyical Teacher offers a Sound Healing Meditation from her CD "Healing Sounds of Light", on the backdrop of an inspiring and informative video about the state of consio...Read More
Sun,22 Aug 2010
Currently the area of childhood developmental disorder and learning disability is reaching a record high. The NPI centre in their survey for Autism and Digestive Issues reports, ‘Autism is the fastest...Read More
Sun,16 May 2010
The upper realms of the earth are now far more available to us as we play catch up with aligning ourselves into the higher dimensions of mother earth.
Earth history is very different from what we ...Read More
Sat,17 Apr 2010
Psychic development is something that is available for all of us; it is not a special talent or gift for only an elite few. There is also a natural correlation between our developing physic and intuit...Read More
Sun,28 Mar 2010
We now have capacity to see beyond the cloud and veil of linear time and pure physical conditioning. Anytime I move to the area of past lives Egypt appears, the inside of the great pyramid with its my...Read More
Wed,17 Mar 2010
We likely know about the shifts and changes that begin to happen as we open up or awaken to ourselves and the cosmos, or at least we notice things can’t remain the same. We may understand that as w...Read More
Mon,15 Feb 2010
We are currently having opportunity to see through a Kaleidoscope of experiences, emotions, situations and challenges. Sometimes we may feel lost, out of touch and as if we are caught in a foreign lan...Read More
Thu,28 Jan 2010
Angels are not as we occasionally like to pigeon-hole them, as fluffy, sweet, do-gooder type beings. I do not suggest that they are not these qualities, instead I ask, with assistance from Archangel R...Read More
Tue,12 Jan 2010
A great respect for the land, every living thing and for the cycle of life, the inspiringly gracious indigenous people’s depicted in James Cameron’s Avatar film are reminiscent of many of the Earth’s ...Read More
Mon,11 Jan 2010
A light resides within, a light which can heal, move you and fill you with joy. That light can be reflected outside you, will you allow it? No-one can offer you what you don't already hold inside, no ...Read More
Sat,02 Jan 2010
Dear Lightworkers we have entered 2010!
If you are here living on earth, you should congratulate yourself right now! Give yourself a pat on the back, a hug and continue to do this throughout the ye...Read More
Tue,17 Nov 2009
Many sensitives suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and at this time of year can become depressive or anxious.
This period in the year is symbolic of a retreat into the self and a time w...Read More
Fri,30 Oct 2009
At this time as us Earth inhabitants are given opportunities to move into the fourth and fifth dimensions where the earth is anchored, we are playing catch up. The loving waves of vibration that beam ...Read More
Thu,29 Oct 2009
It is now more evident we are living in a theatre that perceives itself as real. The audience and actors are called on stage, being given a last chance to wake up. As some polished performances become...Read More
Fri,23 Oct 2009
At this stage in the Earth's history, it seems very clear to some of us that we are in a process of returning, retrograding, birthing, remembering, waking and therefore of course ascending from a plac...Read More
Thu,22 Oct 2009
Hanna Ehlers – Bond MA: Psychotherapist, Numerologist & Life Coach
I use my psychology training along with meditation, and the ancient tool of Numerology, to offer a unique and dynamic form of coa...Read More