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Welcome to the December Goddess Times, a place of sharing in these transformational times, honouring the earth and the sacred feminine during our journey towards unity. The old ways of separation do not work in the new world and as we move towards inner wholeness we are now coming together both within and without.
The year turns yet again as we move towards the winter solstice this month and a new cycle begins with the return of the sun. Within us we too complete a cycle within as we emerge from the darkness into the light once more.
We wish you all a very blessed winter solstice, may your life be filled with the great light of understanding and the love of spirit.
With love, Margaret
Messages Of Light
Reflecting upon this past year I can see that it has been a very awakening one for many as each person’s spiritual evolution has speeded up. We have been pushed and pushed to leave the past behind and finally move into the new and we have been assisted in this by the tremendous planetary alignments which have been taking place so it was written in the stars that this year we have been given no choice but to let go and move on.
There is no hiding place any more for the masks have been removed and the truth of who we are is being revealed. We have all waited such a long time for this moment in time to stand tall and be free of the patterns and restrictions of the past. We have been in the dark too long, reliving old emotions like a stuck record for those of you who can remember record players as we continually recycle the same thoughts over and over again. Now just as the darkness is heading towards its strongest point in the wheel of the year, the coming winter solstice, we too have been plunged into the depths of our being to see and to feel and to embrace everything we have pushed down for such a long time. It is only in the darkness where you can see the truth and it is only in the dark night of the soul where that truth is revealed.
After the darkness of the night always comes the dawn, a promise fulfilled each day and we too can move into a new dawning of the self. Just as when the darkness holds its most power in this month of December something begins to change for the light returns and begins its ascent for the next half of the year. We are a reflection of what goes on in the outer world for the same cycles take place within so if you have been in the dark just know that the light will return.
Gaia appears quiet at this time of the year as she waits to blossom into new life with the coming of spring but even though things may be still out in the woods and the countryside there is a new vibration rising up from the earth and it is brand-new, only a few days old. This vibration is the risen goddess just like the risen sun will grace us with his presence at Yule. The Goddess gives birth to the sun at that time but this year it will have more meaning than ever before for she is already sending out birthing vibrations across the land.
This rebirth is for our deeper Communion with ourselves and with the Earth itself for the two go hand in hand and they cannot be separated. Every aspect of nature has waited patiently to have its say and to speak to us and there are those of us myself included who bring the messages from them but now many will hear, many will receive the wisdom waiting to be shared.
Go out into the Woods, go into your garden, walk the lanes and climb the hills and listen and stop and you will hear it too, you will hear Gaia call you and she will ask you to stop and receive her light and her words. She will come to you through a flower or a tree or a stone which you may pick up or even from a babbling brook or the wind which wraps around you, all you need to do is to listen.
There is a time for everything and everything is on time and the birth of a child is always on time, predestined for its entry into the world government by the heavenly stars and it is the same with the energies which are brought to us to lift the vibrations of the planet. A revolution has already begun; a revolution of consciousness and it will not be stopped. Do not listen to tales of doom and gloom no matter what is happening in the world, no matter how many wars take place, no matter how much abuse takes place and no matter how much the Earth cleanses the land through floods and other natural disasters. A Revolution cannot take place without disruption but we are part of that revolution and every time we step out of the darkness of the old thoughts and ways of being and into the light we ascend further in the light of consciousness and that light spreads out across the Earth.
Nature waits and nature beckons and nature wishes to speak to you, she is ready to provide her words of wisdom and she is ready to show you that the light which binds us all together moves through all things and so all things have consciousness. Take a moment as you commune and feel your boundaries dissolve as you become one with the thing you are communicating with and in that moment you will understand that none of us are separate either from one another or from the divine light which has created us and is part of everything.
The goddess rises and she waits to greet you with open arms and speak to you through her children, all the things of the natural world. So with the return of the Sun at the solstice see yourself step through the doorway and close the door on your past at last and walk into the light and you will find the goddess waiting with a child in her arms to show you that both you and the planet are being reborn. This journey we are all on is the most amazing journey for we have the understanding of its purpose but it can be a hard path to travel and we need one another to support us and hold us close along the way and to let others know that we do understand them for we too have been on our own journey.
The goddess waits, she has risen and she is ready to give birth so go out and celebrate this and bring back your messages of hope from the flowers and the trees and share these with one another. This Earth too will move back into the light for the future is indeed bright, no matter what anyone says, the future of the Earth is bright and it is filled with love and consideration of people, the animals and the land and respect for all things. A new dawn is on its way for the Earth not only with this winter solstice but for the whole journey of our planet and just as the goddess rises up then so will the Earth, I promise you that x
Flower Of The Month
Flowers belong to another realm; they are the healers of the soul. Their cosmic blueprints are within the worlds of spirit. Each month I bring to you a flower which is relevant to the energies around us at the time. The flower for this month is a daisy; the daisy is also known as the day’s eye meaning the eye of the day which is the Sun. Take this little flower, one of the most potent flowers of all and put it in your heart and it will bring the sunshine there and its rays will flow through you filling you with its fire and golden light.
Sometimes when I need to see the truth of something I stand before the sun with my eyes closed and I take in its light or I visualise the sun coming in and within that golden light I receive my answers for the gold is the colour of wisdom and the fire of the Sun opens the inner eye to perceive the truth of all things.
Let this little daisy be your helper when you need to see your way forward and see it shining like a torch from your heart lighting the path ahead for you and you will always find your way.
Mystic Journeys
Feel yourself surrounded by green Moss; Moss is an ancient plant and it will always connect you deep into the mysteries of the Earth. Feel the softness of it and feel its colour enter your being. As you look around you will see that you have been transported out into nature at this time of the year and as you walk through the countryside everything seems to be asleep and yet there is a feeling here that something else is going on.
As you proceed along your way you are aware of vibrations around you coming from the trees and the plants and you feel as though everything is alive. You are so surprised as you walk past one tree and you hear your name being called and as you go and stand beneath it the tree begins to speak to you and gives you information and you listen and you ask questions and you receive answers back.
You carry on with your journey and you are drawn to stop and look down at a beautiful little flower which you did not expect to find at this time of the year and as soon as you touch it it too begins to communicate with you, you hear it with your inner feeling. This flower tells you it is bringing its colours to you to heal you and it asks you to take in the colours and that you will immediately feel so much better.
You journey on and then you take a rest and you sit and admire the beauty of the countryside and as you sit there appears before you rising up out of the Earth the most beautiful being of light and you know instantly that this is Gaia, the goddess, the Earth itself and she does indeed feel like your mother. The love radiating from her fills you with so much peace and as she wraps her arms around you you can feel her heartbeat resound within your own heart.
Gaia sits beside you and she asks you to watch and to feel as she brings you the most wonderful scene; she opens her arms wide and as she does this there emerges from the trees and the plants and the flowers and the stones all sorts of elemental beings of light and they come and stand before you and they bow deeply letting you know that they are of service to you.
You sit with Gaia feeling so nurtured and looked after and you watch as all the elementals retreat back into nature and Gaia holds you as a mother would hold a child and you know without doubt that you will always have a mother’s love in your life from her.
If you would like to read the rest of the newsletter here is a link to my website where it is posted each month:
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