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Each month close to the full moon on The Wirral I hold a Moon Circle to share the ancient teachings of the moon; we gather together in a spirit of love and community. Since beginning my circle, other circles have been created in the UK and abroad joining us together in the old ways of honouring the moon.
The moon is full on December 3rd in the sign of Gemini and as Gemini brings the twins this is a moon of dark and light, of two polar opposites which need to come together in unity.
The teachings from this month’s full moon are filled with the essence of fairy tales for fairy tales embrace hidden ancient mystical knowledge and knowledge of light and dark. The ancient mystical teachings have been handed down and now we are beginning to remember them in the work which we do but fairytales have also retained this mystical knowledge and if we can look beyond the words and interpret the symbolism of them we have access to a great store of rich wisdom.
Here are the teachings for this month’s full moon:
Draw down the light of Sirius, taking it in through your Crown and radiating it through you and around you.
You are going to experience a fairy tale and you are going to be the central character within it and the fairy tale will be one of your own choice. Each fairy tale carries its own teaching and I will give you some examples. The Apple which was stuck in the throat of Snow White is symbolic of words which we have all held in and not spoken out. The dwarves in that same tale are symbolic of the gnomes, the great keepers of the wisdom beneath the Earth. In the same tale Snow White’s time spent with the dwarfs represented a person’s service in the world and the Prince who came to save her represents spirit so that heaven and earth were unified at the time of their coming together.
Each tale is a story of the journey of the human soul as it makes its way through life learning its lessons from the situations it encounters and from the people whom it meets. The original fairies tales were so much different to the ones you probably remember from your childhood for they were filled to the brim with so much more and so much more symbolism.
So you are going to be part of your own fairy tale. Begin this journey by manifesting in your hands some fairy dust and then sprinkle it around you and feel the great lightness which enters your being as you take it in.
Go within and choose a fairy tale which you want to take part in and then transform into the central character. The rest of the journey is for you to move through the story and experience all the twists and turns and at the same time be fully present and fully aware of the symbolism of everything which they encounter and of its meaning in the development of the human spirit.
Afterwards sit with the realisations which you discover and find the ultimate teaching of the tale so that you may be able to apply it to your own life.
In fairy tales there is often a fairy godmother and this carries great symbolism for she is the divine protectoress which we all have; you can see your own fairy godmother however you wish, she may appear to you as a fairy, as a wise woman or even as your own higher self. In times gone by fairies were actually called mothers and so we can see what wonderful nurturing vibrations that working with fairy energy brings us.
Draw down the full moon light and feel it flow throughout you and see it going to all the dark corners of your being bringing the light to every part of you. The light now shines bright within you and it is as though someone has turned on the light outside of you too. You feel the light around you and you sense that it is deeply mystical but you know that there is someone there and out of the light there appearing before you is your very own fairy godmother.
You become acquainted with this wonderful Guardian who has always been there for you and you receive her nurturing care and also guidance and direction for your own life. She tells you that she will always be present and that you can always call upon her when you need her. When your time together is completed she will give you a gift to bring back, a magical gift for you to use which will be a constant reminder of her presence in your life.
We have the light of the full moon and also the greatest transformational point of the winter solstice several weeks later and this is indeed a great turning point of the year as we wait for the return of the Sun to come back to the Earth. The earth is waking up and the goddess prepares to give birth.
Feel the goddesses gather around you. They come to bring their messages for this very important time of the year. They will bring you messages, messages of inspiration about the rebirth of mother Earth which is soon to come.
I hope you all have a very blessed full moon and also I wish you many blessings for the coming winter solstice and I send you peace for Christmas time.
May your fairy godmother bring you great comfort and reassurance as this year draws to a close and may she be with you as you stand at the brink of the New Year to come and may much magic always grace your future path.
I wish you all much love, peace and joy,
There are more teachings from previous months’ moon circles here:
If you would like to begin a moon circle in your area then I will be happy to pass on information to help you to do this. Although you can run a circle any way you want I send out teachings to all the moon circle teachers each month before the full moon and they can use these if they wish. Your contact details can also be added to the contacts page on the website.
If you are interested in beginning your own circle then please get in touch with me at:
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