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When we are born into this world we accept without question the rules of right and wrong as given to us by our parents and those in authority. It is only as we get older that we begin to question and think things out for ourselves. We disagree with the views of others and this can be difficult if the consensus of opinion is against you. If it conflicts with your own moral and religious beliefs. All my life I have tried to make decisions according to what I believe God wanted me to do. As a Spiritualist I know that when my life ends I will have to take responsibility for my actions and I cannot make the excuse that I was just following the orders and the rules of my society. Personal Responsibility is the 5th Principle of Spiritualism.
Today our world is facing a very great evil where the ambitions of an evil dictator is to take control of a neighbouring independent country. He of course will answer to God for his actions but what about the members of his own government and country who have gone along with his ideas? Have none of them the courage to stand up and disagree with their leader? They, like the soldiers in their army, will also answer to God for their actions. Then again, we have the NATO countries, who hold back from sending in their armies to help because the attacked innocent country has not signed up to their membership. We have a terrible wrong happening in our world and I would not let the lack of a signature on a piece of paper stop me from doing what I could to right this wrong. It was the British Statesman Edmund Burke who said “For evil to succeed it only needs good people to do nothing.” It seems to me that good people are standing by and doing nothing! Will we have to endure a 3rd World War to bring back peace?
There are plenty of good people in the world today as witnessed by the humanitarian help being offered to Ukraine. However more than Humanitarian help is needed to stamp out this evil. Many people ask why God Himself does not intervene but we must understand that when we chose to return to the earth for a new life we were given free will and therefore God cannot step in to sort things out. I am sure that everyone in the next world are wringing their hands in despair when they see what is happening in Ukraine. God needs our hands to sort out this infamy and it will be sorted out for we want to right a wrong and God is always on the side of the righteous. “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. I will repay.” {Romans 12:19} Remember the words of the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Though the mills of God grind slowly yet they grind exceeding small; though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.” This saying refers to the notion of slow but certain divine justice.
We must all face accountability for the life we have led and the actions we have performed. Every deed is recorded in the book of life and one day the books will be balanced. The 6th Principle of Spiritualism is about “Retribution for all evil deeds done” and this means that we eventually do to ourselves what we have done to others. We will experience in our own bodies the pain and suffering we have caused, not just to our victims, but also to their family and friends who must continue to live with the memory of what has happened. Apart from a few exceptions where is the voice of our religious leaders in condemning these war crimes, atrocities committed and the attempted genocide of an innocent nation? They also will answer to God for their lack of action in rallying “God’s Army” {Like a mighty army moves the church of God} in condemning this evil.
Finally a word to the people of Ukraine. Your beloved relatives and friends whose lives have been taken in this conflict are now safe in the next world where their physical and mental injuries are being cared for. The evil persons who perpetrated their deaths will face a higher justice when they themselves go to the next world. They have broken God’s laws and “God is not mocked.” Remember the story of David and Goliath. It was God who enabled David to overcome the giant Goliath and it is the same God today who will enable you to overcome the giant who threatens your nation. Here is a final quotation taken from the “Lays of Ancient Rome.” “For how can man die better than facing fearful odds for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods.” You will come through this terrible time facing the fearful odds and the good people of the world will rally around to rebuild your beautiful country.
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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