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New Book - Shell of Soul
The consequences of reincarnation on health and emotions
by Joy Wisdom
A quest to find hidden answers to health and emotions. Startling revelations from session finds that proves reincarnation affects us today. In our health, emotions, behaviour, choices and wellbeing. Joy founded solutions with a new therapy that dissolves core past life impacts, entrapment and karma (for we have had many lives) to help remove impacts safely and effectively without hypnotherapy or regression.
We are the creation our past, present and future. In this book Joy looks at the consequences of life from a different angle. Where, what we create today will become our future, warts and all. It is what we have done in our past that comes back to haunt us in many different ways. Physically, emotionally and psychologically and we thought we understood the consequences of karma. Karma fades into the background once we start looking at ourselves from the inside out.
What we do today has an impact on our future life - As our past (historical lives) have impact upon today - our present life.
Have you ever wondered why some of us cope with life better than others? How is it that some fair better in health than their peers or siblings. The same mother and father but the different outcomes?
Joy developed a theory many years ago that has proved positive. We are different because of the lives we have lived. The emotional, physical and mental aspects and impacts felt in our history have shaped us to be who we are today.
Some of us have experienced many lives others less; the physical disorders which affected us in our history may well be influencing us now. For instance if we have lives of hard labour and toil we will be more prone to aches and pains, cold temperatures affects us more, old wounds unhealed, emotion
ally and physically. We can be suffering from any combination of the following: neck, shoulder and throat issues may come from lives where we have been hanged, decapitated or had our throat cut. Back pain may come from accidents, injury from falls, war and battle wounds. Headaches may come from previous injuries to the head, helmets restricting expansion. Emotionally we carry wounds and scars through the ages. Closing our hearts to love, setting a foundation for further unhappy relationships with patterns of no self esteem or self worth that still plagues us today.
Joy has discovered through her Dissolve and Resolve Emotions® (DARE™) techniques that past events are very much at play and influencing each one of us daily. Long forgotten have been the impacts from memory, however the imprints and triggers are still involved in our psyche and cellular levels being influenced in our physical posture, emotional and cognitive behaviour. Over the last ten years Joy has developed techniques to deal with the unseen impacts and imprints turning diagnosis on its head. Giving explanations where there was none.
Allowing individuals to be pain free …
Now that is a concept worth looking at!
Buy books from authors website, amazon and good book shops: E version Joy Wisdom
A leading LiGHt for the Aquarian Age
Author, Tutor, Mentor; Inspirational speaker; Humanitarian; Founder of Allonus, D.A.R.E practitioners Therapy, LiGht Healing programme & OGP:
Clinical Body-Mind-Emotion practitioner - specialising in psychological issues - Women's and Children's Health
Awarded Inspirational Woman 2015; Awarded Practitioner of the Year 2018
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